For Warehouses and Manufacturing
For warehouses and distribution centers, SmartCart offers a wide range of tuggers, which can tow loads anywhere from 60 pounds to 6,000 pounds (based on a trailer friction factor of 2%). SmartCart also includes options for a single or dual roller conveyor AGC, which is useful for delivering pallets (as large as 60″) to and from roller conveyor systems.
For manufacturing applications, the SmartCart AGC
is a flexible, inexpensive round-the-clock workhorse
for repetitively moving work-in-process (WIP) materials between production and buffering areas.
The SmartCart Model 300CF counterbalanced fork type AGC is perfect for picking up and dropping off pallets from conveyors, stretch wrappers or the floor.

SmartCart Control Options
AGC’s can run in a simple loop without upper level computer controls, or a “Cart Management System” (CMS) allows the carts to operate in complex layouts with computer blocking controls and to interface with other in-plant systems. The Windows based CMS cart controller allows the user to reconfigure carts easily, through drop down menus. Modified guidepath layouts and cart functions can be downloaded via Wi-Fi radio signal to the carts in seconds.
An Automatic Guided Cart graphical monitoring screen with simple and intuitive operator interface is available for the CMS controller – providing your operations and maintenance personnel complete control and access to your assembly line. Multiple graphic screens can be easily located anywhere with network access to the CMS.
Contact Motion Controls Robotics, Inc. today to learn more about what you will need to get started on a SmartCart Automatic Guided Cart System. Drive cost savings to your bottom line, improve your system operation, and provide a more friendly work environment for your most valuable asset – your employees.